Home Mediatek unofficial twrp 3.3.1 for Mediatek MT6771V Android 9.0

unofficial twrp 3.3.1 for Mediatek MT6771V Android 9.0

twrp 3.3.1 For Mediatek MT6771V Phone:

Download twrp 3.3.1 Recovery For Mediatek MT6771V Devices. Here we Share twrp 3.3.1 for android 9.0 Pie Devices With Mediatek MT6771V SoC. This is a Port Recovery which Can be used to Port twrp For Same Mediatek Devices. You Can also try this Recovery on Your Mediatek MT6771V SoC based devices Without any Modifications it bootable on Many Phone but some functions like touch and Mount issue May Present.


  1. Rooting May Void Your Device Warranty.So Make a Backup of Your Data and ROM..
  2. Make Sure your Phone at-least 50% Charge to Prevent accidental Shut Down During The Rooting process.


How to Install twrp Recovery:

  1. First of all We Need to Setup Platform tools So Download From above and extract the zip File.
  2. Now Download and Extract recovery.img [Must rename recovery.img] file Inside the adb tools Folder.
  3. Switch off Phone and together Press Volume Down and Power button it Will boot it in fastboot Mod.
  4. Then Connect Phone to PC using the usb cable.
  5. Now open CMD in the Platform Folder and type below Code.

Check Device by Sending below Command:

fastboot devices

unlock bootloader by Sending below Command:

fastboot oem unlock
fastboot flashing unlock

flash Recovery by Sending below Command:

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

Note: You can use SP Flash tools Instead Fastboot

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